
* Modular * Extensible * Friendly *

[Bundy-hackers] Fwd: Bundy idea

JINMEI Tatuya / 神明達哉 jinmei at wide.ad.jp
Sat Sep 13 07:39:51 CEST 2014

At Fri, 12 Sep 2014 07:41:50 +0200,
Carsten Strotmann <carsten at strotmann.de> wrote:

> A geolocation function is interesting.


> > I made already
> > few work about it but before going further I wanted your opinion. But
> > instead of one unique instance I thought more to bring a list of (one
> > list to handle  ipv4 and another list for ipv6 because no API can work
> > in both modes ...).

> I would prefer if the geolocation function in Bundy would be implemented
> as an optional module (plugin). One of the main design features on Bundy
> is modularization.

Also +1.  If the currently intended implementation uses ACLs, the ACL
module was actually designed to be "pluggable", so it would be really
an interesting example to prove the concept.

But, given that all of these are voluntary efforts, it might be better
not to try to achieve too many things.  So, if it requires a lot of
work to make it a separate module, it's probably better to provide the
feature anyway.

JINMEI, Tatuya