
* Modular * Extensible * Friendly *

[Bundy-hackers] Fwd: Bundy idea

David Carlier dcarlier at afilias.info
Fri Sep 12 08:51:23 CEST 2014

Good point !! Kind regards.

On 12 September 2014 07:48, Carsten Strotmann <carsten at strotmann.de> wrote:

> Hello David,
> David Carlier wrote:
> > it is compile setting via configure ...
> I occasionally build installation packages of DNS servers for Unix
> systems (Linux, BSD, Solaris, MacOS X).
> Every compile time option can create a new package. Each combination of
> compile time options will create a new package etc etc.
> So for BIND 9.9.x I have
> plain
> without DNSSEC
> with Response Rate Limiting
> with DLZ
> with XML
> without DNSSEC with RRL
> without DNSSEC with DLZ
> without DNSSEC with XML
> with DNSSEC, XML and DLZ
> without DNSSEC, but with XML and DLZ
> ....
> As a package maintainer I have a choice of enabling everything (but that
> is what administrators dislike for performance and security reasons), or
> selectively enable / disable compile-time features.
> Compile time options are great for people who build the software from
> source (or Gentoo users).
> Compile time options can be a package maintainers nightmare.
> One of the design goals of BIND 10 and now Bundy is to have less compile
> time decisions and more run-time dynamic loading through modules.
> With the modularization in Bundy, a package maintainer can enable all
> modules, and the user/administrator can decide which modules to load at
> runtime.
> For these reasons I would prefer a geolocation module.
> -- Carsten
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