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[Bundy-hackers] libdns++ first items

Mukund Sivaraman muks at banu.com
Mon May 19 18:32:04 CEST 2014

Hi Jinmei

On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 09:22:16AM -0700, 神明達哉 wrote:
> Does this proposal separate repositories for libdns++ and the rest of
> bundy?  If so, will the bundy repo maintain its own copy of
> exceptions, util, etc, or will it require the separated libdns++ to
> build?

It will require the separated libdns++ to build as a
dependency. libdns++ will be a shared library used by Bundy, Kea,
queryperfpp, etc. libdns++ is a Bundy dependency anyway.

The common exceptions, utilities, etc. will be in libdns++. Bundy and
Kea can derive from those if needed. Otherwise we are looking at many
shared libraries to use among these projects.

When the libdns++ repo is published (as a sibling to Bundy's repo on
github) I will update Bundy's configure.ac and Makefile.ams to use the
libdns++.pc file.

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